Monday, May 4, 2015

Viva Mexico!

It's been a little quiet around here lately, and I apologize -- we were in Mexico for a week, and then both Sydney and I came back with colds and Syd battled some really high temps. It's been a little hectic getting our schedule back on track, especially when you throw a bachelorette party and a baptism in the mix, but I promise I 'll catch up! Up first -- our Mexican getaway...

Every other year my parents, my brother and I have gone to Mexico, and it's been fun to see how the trip has changed over the years. (Ha---I just remembered Jordan's first Mexico trip with my family was also his first time meeting my dad. Awkward.) This year Jordan and I convinced my parents we should go to Cabo rather than Cancun, and it was so much fun exploring a new place, especially with Sydney in tow. We had a blast, and I'm fairly certain Sydney wants to go to the pool and the beach every day now. Seriously---the kid LOVES water now.

Here are some of our highlights -- enjoy!

Watching Frozen on the plane with Daddy

The face of a disgruntled toddler who would rather go swimming than [insert any other activity]

Beach baby

Loving the ocean

But REALLY loving this dolphin water fountain

Ice cream in her pjs past her bedtime. #onlyonvacation

Catamaran snorkeling trip

First time swimming in the ocean

Horseback riding on the beach

Little explorer

Mom and Dad got a date day!

Bottom glass boat ride out to the arch

So many sea lions (or 'big dogs' according to Sydney)

Dinner at a restaurant with the best bruschetta ever

With the cutest little bunny ever

Heading home, eating snacks, wearing sunnies. #sydneybellelife

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