Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall Catch-Up!

Last week was brutal. Yes -- sickness, AGAIN. After a whirlwind weekend flying to Minnesota to celebrate Jordan's dad's 60th birthday, Sydney came down with a nasty cold/cough that somehow turned into pink eye in both her eyes. Awesome. She made it to two half-days of daycare (which I'm fairly certain is how she nailed pink eye), so there was lots of crying/whining/cuddling going on last week. And cleaning. LOTS of cleaning and sterilizing and laundry.


Our trip to MN was short but so sweet. We flew in Friday night and immediately drove to a house Jordan's dad and his wife rented on a lake to meet them, Jordan's middle brother and our sister-in-law (who's due with our first nephew in a few weeks!!) and their sweet little girl (who is six months older than Syd) and Jordan's youngest brother (who just got a job out in Denver and moved out here!). It was a great weekend spending time with family and getting to spend much needed time with our niece, and it was so much fun seeing the girls play together. We went to an apple orchard, Sydney went on her first pony ride, we took the boat on the lake, and we (I) ate lots of s'mores.

Between sicknesses and Minnesota, we've been trying to get out and about and enjoy the fall -- even though it's currently 80-degrees here in Denver. We've been cheering on the Broncos, we've been getting ready for ski season, and I may or may not have overdone it with Halloween outfits and pajamas so Sydney is festively decked out every day this month, haha.

And speaking of festively decked out, right now The Honest Co is offering a Free Tote with any Bundle Purchase! Click on the link provided or the image below and enter promo code SKULLS at checkout for any Honest Bundle before November 15th in order to receive this adorable festive skull-printed canvas tote. How adorable is that?? I can't wait to get mine!

The Honest Company

Hope you're having a wonderful October, friends!


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