Thursday, March 31, 2016

I'm back!

Hiiii friends!

It's been a long time (okay, forever) since I've last blogged -- but there were some good reasons:
  1. I got a new blog name.
  2. And an updated look.
  3. McDonald's is now serving breakfast all day.
The third reason is not totally related and/or relevant, but hel-lo, #hashbrownsalldayeveryday.

So when my domain's expiration date suddenly crept up on me (evidently I did not have two more months like I had previously thought), I decided to make a switch and give myself a <virtual> facelift. When I first started blogging, it was originally created to keep our family and friends in Minnesota updated with our trials (and errors) of parenting. Over time my happy little blog grew into something a little bit more, as did our daughter, and so no longer did CO Baby Anderson make much sense. Okay, let me tell you -- thinking of a new blog name is HARD. Like, really hard. And with Anderson as your last name and Sarah as your first, your options are pretty limited. Like any good writer, I googled 'how to name your blog,' and every article told me to come up with a list of things I loved and was passionate about. My list consisted of Sydney, Jordan, rosé, Vanderpump Rules, coffee, dogs, Chipotle, mom life, white kitchens...I think you get the point. I then thought of what I wanted to write about - parenthood and mom life, style/fashion and being active/getting outdoors. Me, in a nutshell. And to be honest, my tagline should probably read "Mountains, New Balances and Nikes but sometimes maybe a pair of Louboutins, and #momlife," but I mean, alliteration, people.

So welcome to -- a small slice of myself and my life with my little family. I wish I could say I'm one of those über positive bloggers who writes about puppies and sunshine and the wondrous joys of life, but unfortunately--or fortunately, if real life and sarcasm is your jam--I will be writing about my true tales as a mom, both the good and the bad, who sometimes has her shit together but more often than not is flying by the seat of her [yoga] pants. And I curse. (Sorry, Mom.) And I will write some posts about fashion/style. And I will write about our adventures in Colorado. And I will probably curse some more (probably about said adventures). But I promise to at least try and be funny and somewhat interesting because if nothing else, rest on your laurels, right?

Anyway, when you take some time off from blogging, at least for me, it's so hard to get back in the swing of things (much like working out now that I'm thinking of it...and dreading tomorrow's workout). I've got quite a few amazing and useful products to review (and give away!), including some of the best from our friends at Nuby, so I thought I'd kick off the new blog with a fun and favorite product of ours: the iMonster Snack Keeper.

It's no secret our child has a love for food, especially snacks (like mother, like daughter). Her favorite snack ever, thank goodness, is Cheerios (and not, say, Doritos like someone else I know), and the girl cannot get enough of them. We're constantly on the go, so giving a toddler an open bowl is just not an option (unless you want a Cheerio-filled car or a Cheerio trail behind you at Target).

We've tried so many snack keepers, and honestly our favorite ones are from Nuby. We have quite a few of these, which work really well, so we were so excited when Nuby came out with the same concept but in a cute little monster design.

Clearly Sydney loves it.

Like all of Nuby's products, the iMonster Snack Keeper is BPA free and brightly colored with a fun design. I actually love the design because the monster's hands are easy for her to grip and she thinks of the snack keeper as more of a toy, so ironically it slows her down from eating so quickly. The soft lid keeps snacks in but also allows for your child to easily reach inside.

The iMonster Snack Keeper is available at,, Buy Buy Baby, Babies "R" Us, Toys "R" Us and more. And because I love these so much, I've teamed up with Nuby to give TWO of my readers and Instagram followers an iMonster Snack Keeper of their own!

Enter below for one chance, and head on over to my Instagram page for another! Only US residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and stay tuned for regularly scheduled blog posts, reviews, giveaways and more pictures of that one cute little gal pal of ours. :-)


P.S. Sneak peek of Nuby's next sippy cup releasing in April -- it's so good, you guys!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would use this for my son and we would put crackers and puffs in it.

  3. My five month old would LOVE THIS for his snacks in a short while! :)

  4. Jacob would LOVE to use this when he gets older! we have a few but they are not nearly as fun and brightly colored as this one. I also think it would be fun to have something that is not PINK that he inherits from his big sister!

  5. I have a little monster of my own on the way and I'm positive he would live this when he gets older!! How adorable!

  6. How awesome!! Would fit my little monster perfectly

  7. my girl would love this for her goldfish! cute!

  8. Our two boys would love this if I win! I might have to get an extra one though so they don't fight ;)

  9. My 15 month old boy because he would be less likely to dump snacks on the floor and he would find this a fun way to snack!

  10. It's got my little girl. She always flips her pouches over so all her snacks get all over the place.

  11. I'd like to win this for my toddler, who loves monsters.


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