Thursday, August 18, 2016

{review + giveaway) : Logan + Lenora

It's been a while since I've blogged (more on that later), and I've wanted to write posts for a bit now but kept waiting for the 'perfect' opportunity to come back---is there even such a thing? Not so much, at least in my life, and the moments I find to write are few and far between now that Sydney is a nonstop, 24/7 chatterbox. I thought I'd jump right back with a review and giveaway of a fun product and show you a bit of #whatsinmybag . . .

Now that Sydney is fully potty trained, I thought I was free of carrying any more of her shit and ergo made the mistake of freely heading to Target with her---with just my wallet and cell phone. I actually didn't even realize I had left so unprepared until I got there but felt confident in my Freudian decision because Sydney had been potty trained for like two hours. (Okay, fine, we were on day three--but still.) I asked her if she needed to go potty right when we arrived, she said no. Of course it wasn't until we were on literally the polar opposite side of where the bathrooms are located when Sydney she said she had to go potty---and then 2.2 seconds later said she already went and was soaked. Needless to say, we added a pack of Finding Dory underwear and an extra pack of wipes to our cart that day.

I'm a little older, wiser and more prepared now, and thanks to the sweet company known as Logan + Lenora, I can carry her things stylishly in their adorable Wet + Dry Diaper Clutch. Available in four fun prints, the clutch is waterproof (even with a water-resistant zipper), toxin-free, food safe and machine washable.

I typically have the clutch filled with wipes, hand sanitizer, extra undies, toilet seat covers (these things are freaking amazing---they cover e v e r y t h i n g), an extra pair of sunnies (the girl loves her accessories) and the best organic lollipops to come in handy when Sydney starts to come unglued.

I love the clutch because it's small enough I can toss in my purse when we head out for the day, but if I'm just running a quick errand or two I can just stick my wallet in the clutch and carry that as my bag---so versatile and handy.

I've partnered up with Logan + Lenora to give a $25 shop credit to one of my followers on Instagram, so head on over to and find the above pic to enter! For a bonus entry, comment below on your favorite Logan + Lenora item and why---and be sure to include your Instagram handle, so I know who to give the extra entry for! :-)

Happy Wednesday, friends. Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far!



  1. I love the petit pouch! It seems like it would be the perfect size for me and I absolutely adore the prints! @halfpintblondie

  2. Logan + Lenora is my favorite brand; Their product is beautiful and suitable for moms like us.


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