Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Holiday PJs

Happy Tuesday! Hope you all had beautiful weekends, full of #basicwhitegirl fall activities and obligatory colorful leaves/layering of clothes/Starbucks red cup pics. We spent the weekend losing our Chuck E. Cheese's v-cards for our favorite little buddy's birthday and escaping to the mountains for a quick getaway, and it was a pretty great weekend had by everyone. Especially Sydney because---hello, Chuck E. Cheese.

Since my last post was a bit heavy, I thought I'd continue the theme and write about something very near and dear to my heart: holiday pjs. My favorite time of year and my favorite holiday---let the decorating of the house and child begin! So, if you follow me on Instagram you know my love for festive pjs runs deeply. Like, majorly deeply. Like, I may or may not accidentally had 15+ pairs of Halloween pjs for Sydney last year. Fortunately for Jordan's sake (and our bank account's sake), both Gap and Old Navy wildly missed the mark on Halloween, and so I did not purchase one single pair for her. (Hot tip: stock up on seasonal pjs right after the season ends when they're hugely on sale. // Addendum to hot tip: be mindful of how much stock you're acquiring to avoid your child wearing Halloween pjs all year long.)

Anyway, the designers of toddler sleepwear must have collectively decided to up their game for the holidays because every retailer has the absolute c u t e s t pjs! I couldn't help myself and have been putting Sydney in them since November 1st, so I thought I'd share the love of some of my favorites I've found this year.

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven

How cute are these?! The best part is most of them are more seasonal rather than Christmasy, so your kiddo(s) can wear them all winter long (if winter ever comes---I'm typing this in 80-degree heat right now).

Hope you're all having wonderful weeks. Sydney's fast asleep, napping in her Christmas pjs and dreaming of sugarplums (or rabbits--she always tells us she dreams of rabbits, lol), and I'm going to try and put up more Christmas decorations.

Unrelated but good info to have, you might have seen this little tea diffuser in some of my pics lately -- it's from Teami Blends tea, and I'm obsessed! I've been drinking their Relax and Focus teas for the past month and have noticed considerable changes in my behavior. I'll post more on this later when I gather more results, but you can try yours now using code SARAHANDERSON10 for 10% off!


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