Monday, June 23, 2014

4 Months

Our little doll turned four months old on May 28th. WHERE is time going?

I love our pediatrician. He's so great -- really personable and friendly, but what I love most is he has a sense of urgency like Britney Spears eating Cheetohs. He rarely keeps us waiting, and he's very efficient and swift. And an added bonus is he doesn't talk in an annoying baby voice to Sydney like his doctor partner does, who speaks baby talk exclusively.

Sydney's four month checkup went well. She weighed 13 lbs and 9.4 oz, which put her in the 37th percentile for weight, and she was either 24 or 25 inches long, which either put her in the 41st or 52nd percentile for height (both numbers are written down on our sheet). And her little nugget head was 39.9 cm, which put her in the 30th percentile. So, we've got ourselves a little peanut.

Syd took her shots like a champ and only cried for about a minute, which was partially because she fell asleep after her checkup (and before her shots) while her pediatrician and I were talking, so she was sad and mad that I woke her up to get nailed by a needle four times (poor little bug).

Something I never mentioned at her two month checkup was Sydney's heart murmur. Our pediatrician found a slight murmur but said he wanted to wait for her four month checkup to see if it went away on its own because he didn't think it sounded bad enough to get it checked out right away. So we waited, and unfortunately Sydney didn't grow out of it, and it was still there, clear as day. He recommended we take her to a pediatric cardiologist, so away we went to get her checked out.

Too early, Mama

Sydney got an EKG and while we were waiting for her results, she was laying on her back happily cooing and suddenly rolled over! She had rolled from her tummy to her back before but never back to front, so this was hilarious to suddenly see. I clearly wasn't prepared, so this is the only picture I got from it, haha.

Results of her EKG showed that while Sydney did still have a murmur, it was a stills murmur, which means it's innocent enough to just let it be and she'll most likely grow out of it - so, a little unsettling but I trust they know what they're talking about. (They may have went to school for years on this.) Sydney did so well throughout the entire appointment, though, and I was so proud of her for being such a brave little babe.

Happy four month birthday, sweet girl. We love you SO much!!!!

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