Thursday, June 19, 2014

'Real' Food

Kinda. If you call mushy rice paste that smells like vomit real food, then yes, Sydney has started dabbling in real food.

Solids overwhelm me. There are just so many damn choices out there, each claiming to be the best, and she's my first child so clearly I have to give her only the best, right?

Rice cereal - do I give her regular rice cereal or brown rice cereal? Brown rice is always better than white rice for adults, so is that the same for babies? Organic or regular? DHA and probiotics added or just regular? There are literally five billion different versions and types of rice cereal at Babies 'R Us. After leaving the store overwhelmed and empty-handed, I did some quick research and finally settled on Happy Bellies Brown Rice Cereal with DHA, Choline, Pre and Probiotics. (I'm fairly certain the baby industry is just making shit up to make moms feel more assured - the more words added in a label, the safer/better it is for your baby. Well played, Happy Bellies.)

Sydney was not a fan. Not only did she look like she didn't really like the taste, but she was bored! So bored she fell into a deep sleep after maybe three small spoonfuls.

I tried waking her up a few times, but she was slumped over like a little puddle and couldn't be bothered with waking up. So I gave up and let her pass out with Dad.

After a few more attempts with Happy Bellies, I was getting she didn't really dig the 'flavor' (hey, girl, I feel you). I was at the grocery store and randomly picked up a small container of Gerber Rice Cereal with DHA and Probiotics, and she seems to like the taste much better.

I've only given her cereal a handful of times and don't really deem it necessary right now since she's been sleeping throughout the night for nearly two-and-a-half months now on just breastmilk, but our pediatrician said we could start giving her cereal at around five months and start introducing her to other foods. I wonder when she can have avocado... ;-)

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