Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sick. Sick. Sick.

No, I have not forgotten and/or gotten too lazy to blog...I've been slowly crawling to hell and back and taking my sweet baby girl along with me.

That's right; Syd and I are still sick. After battling pink eye for a solid two weeks, we are now in our second week of HORRIBLE upper respiratory infections. Our lives for the last 10 days have consisted of runny noses, off-and-on fevers, bad chills, lots of sneezing, bad coughs and then really bad coughs. We're finally turning the corner, but we've got a nagging cough that just won't go away. 

So, I'm sorry for the lack of posts and pictures. Syd and I have been rocking pjs and onesies, so you're really not missing out.

Ugh. Help.

Sick but still so cute at the pediatrician's office

Little bug finally starting to feel better...received this picture from daycare today, and you can see her bottom two teeth! :-)

1 comment :

  1. Feel better! I swear I was never sicker than Hannah's first year of life (and the same with her). Take care of that nagging cough. Mine turned into walking pneumonia! It was awful.


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