Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Lately we've been trying to soak in as much of a 'free' weekend as we can because starting in September, we've got something going on every weekend for a couple of months -- and then it's winter, which means going up to the mountains on the weekends!

Friday night we babysat our friends' three-year-old son Talon overnight, and we got to sample life as it would (will?) be with two kids. Thankfully the night wasn't a total shitshow, solidifying Sydney's chance of being a big sister somewhere down the road, and taking care of two vs. one was surprisingly much easier than I thought. It helped that Talon is such a good kid and we absolutely adore him, and he was so helpful with taking care of "Baby Sydney" (as he always affectionately calls her). We also finger-painted, ate mac and cheese, played with toy motorcycles and cars (a far cry from Sydney's fantasy castle plush unicorns), and read books (a far cry from our Friday nights a couple of years ago).

We made a little wall decor for his baby brother's nursery!

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to recover from both pink eye and colds. Sydney somehow got pink eye AGAIN, and I was thisclose to losing my motherf-ing mind. I can't tell you how much I've sterilized, cleaned and bleached in the past two weeks...I've done damn near everything but Lysoling her eyeballs, and somehow that shit STILL wasn't dead. Now that pink eye is finally gone (fingers crossed), the poor baby now has a bad chest cold and is coughing and wheezing all day. The good news is that she's a trooper and hasn't let any disgusting eye infection or smoker's lung affect her ability to be cute and happy.

Jordan, who steadfastly remains in perfect health at all times, found time to make a new entryway table, and it looks AWESOME. Here are some sneak peaks...

I'll post the finished product when I'm done styling the entryway. Let's just say, he's done such a good job, I'm (still) trying to convince him to quit his job and open an Etsy shop with me.

Hope you all had lovely weekends!

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