Monday, November 24, 2014

Holiday Photos

Whew! Winter is here and the holidays are in full swing (at least at our house, haaaa!). We've been incredibly busy with visitors and fall activities, so I apologize for the lack of posts -- and it doesn't make things any easier with a very curious, very mobile near 10-month-old, right? When in doubt, blame the baby... ;-)

I mentioned earlier we went back to Minnesota to get our family photos taken by the amazing Paper Antler, and I've been struggling with this post for quite some time -- because I couldn't figure out how to NOT post all 320 pictures. Jonny and Michelle--husband and (pregnant) wife duo behind the lenses--totally outdid themselves and captured the most beautiful moments between our family, my parents and my brother, and I was completely blown away (again, per usual) by their talented work. Let me first make a strong disclaimer: I'm gushing so much because a) they're pretty dang good photos; b) they're pretty amazing people aside from their photography; but most importantly c) they were able to give us a lifetime of incredible photos that we'll always cherish. Jordan and I are not photogenic. Like, at all. It probably takes us at least 20-25 pictures in order to get at least one semi-decent one, and that's on a good day and even then we still look like potatoes. My parents and brother, bless their hearts, are even less photogenic than Jordan and I, so put us all together and we're like the poster family for When Jonny and Michelle told me they were shooting a wedding in Minnesota, I immediately booked them for a photo session because I thought if anyone could give us at least one good family photo, it would be them. I finally cut the shots down to 100--SORRY!!!--so I'm warning you now -- lots and lots of family pics. :-/ I can't help it! I love them all. Hope you enjoy!

That's a wrap, people! I gotta go nap.

Sydney Belle

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