Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nine Months!

Only a year ago I remember thinking how time was crawling by and that I had been pregnant for at least a year already (reality: 7 months) . . . and now we have a walking ("walking"), talking (babbling), bright, beautiful and hilarious little nine-month-old, and time is just zipping by.

We brought Sydney to another pumpkin patch, and we nearly fell over laughing watching her eyes grow big when she saw all the pumpkins. She loved it! She actually just loves being outside in general, but she had so much fun climbing all over the pumpkins and walking around them. I didn't realize when we got pregnant, but this is such a fun age for the best time of the year.

So many pumpkins, so little time.

Sydney turned nine months old last week and had her nine month wellness checkup. I was anxious to see what her stats were because I felt all we had been doing since her last checkup at six months was feed her (at the request of her pediatrician). Baby girl must have a high metabolism, though, because she's still kind of a peanut -- height is 27.25" (36%), weight is 16 lbs, 5 oz (22%) and head circumference is 42.4 cm (14% -- which I feel just can't be right). Although she still has a heart murmur (the cardiologist said she might not grow out of it until she's two), Sydney seemed to be in perfect health, and she took her shots and a toe prick like a boss.

Those chubby thighs. I DIE!

At nine months, Sydney is...

  • Smiling, waving, clapping, talking and babbling up a storm -- she says hi and mama pretty regularly, which makes my heart melt every. single. time.
  • Crawling everywhere and pulling herself up to stand on anything she can even when it's not the most stable (hello, bumps and bruises).
  • Standing on her own for a few seconds at a time and loves walking with assistance (I think it'll still be a while before she actually takes her first steps).
  • Quickly picking up sign language and can sign "more" and "please."
  • Still in size 2 diapers but is now officially in 6 and 6-12 month clothes. Big girl!
  • Slowly but surely becoming a daddy's girl. Jordan can make her smile and giggle like no one else, and their growing bond with each other is the absolute sweetest thing.
  • A total pancake monster. She LOVES pancakes. She also loves grapes, cheese, apples, crackers, bananas, mac & cheese, sweet potatoes, chicken...girl is a tiny human garbage disposal.
  • Loving story time but starts to get bored 3/4 of the way through a book and wants to 'read' it herself.
  • Extremely observant. She's very curious about everything and diligently watches people. Stares's a little awkward at times.
  • Hilarious. She is constantly cracking me and Jordan up, especially with her latest gig -- showing people she's "soooooo big!"
  • A total lovebug. Sydney loves being held and cuddled and seems to be really sociable so far.

Pink + Gold Headband (sold out, similar) // Sweatshirt Dress // Jeggings // Pink Moccasin Boots

Sydney is SOOOOO big! 

Happy nine months, sweetheart. We love you more than you'll ever know, and we're having so much fun experiencing holidays through your sweet green-hazel eyes! If you think you're having fun now, just wait until Christmas. :-)

Hope everyone is having a great week!


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