Monday, March 23, 2015

Garth Brooks + Playground Life

Do you ever get excited for a weekend of nothing? No set plans, no visitors, no obligations? I may be alone here, but sometimes when we've been constantly on the go I get kind of happy to look at the calendar and see a few blank squares ahead. Anyone with me?

The only thing we had planned this weekend was to see Garth Brooks in concert, which I was beyond looking forward to. Not only was I super excited to see his show (I saw him once when I was a sophomore in high school, and it was awesome), but I was also curious to see how he'd be holding up with his tour. Like he's done in many other cities, Garth was putting on back-to-back shows in Denver -- nine shows in six days to be accurate, and yes, that means three times he planned to put on two shows in one day. What the hell -- HOW? Jordan and I had tickets to see his later show on Friday night at 10:30 PM, and as we were waiting in line to enter the Pepsi Center everyone was talking about how Garth must be in amazing shape to be able to pull off this kind of schedule.


Except not so much. Garth was sweaty and out of shape, and there may have been a point in the show I thought he was going to go into cardiac arrest. But WOW---was he incredible. Such a fantastic, amazing concert. He didn't come on until 11:15 because of how long it took in-between shows (getting 36,000 people in and out of the doors is no easy task), but he played well until 2:00 AM and was so awesome. If any of you get a chance to see him, I highly recommend you grab tickets!

The rest of our weekend was spent running some errands, being lazy (aka watching Iron Man 3) and going to a park near our house. We've only been to a handful of playgrounds, but Sydney is suddenly so obsessed with them you'd think they had pancake dispensers. I think it's safe to say we'll be hitting the Colorado playground scene a lot this summer.

Favorite. Thing. Ever.

The first of many heart attacks Sydney will surely give her dad.

Shameless mommy and me twinning :-)

Part of playground life is coming equipped with snacks and beverages, especially if you're the mama to Sydney. Lately I've been making her 'juices' by blending veggies, fruits and yogurt to sustain her 18-year-old boy appetite, and she can't get enough. She loves them and thinks they're milkshakes or something, but she absolutely won't drink them if they're warm (smart kid -- warm smoothies are the worst). Because I'm crazy an overachiever, when we're on the go I've been putting Syd's smoothies in one of my insulated tumblers to keep cold and then pouring them into a sippy cup when she wants to drink. I know, I know...just typing that is insanity. So you can imagine my excitement when I received an insulated cup from Nuby to review.

After a long afternoon on the playground, the Clik-it Insulated Flex Straw Cup (available at Target) is easily one of my favorite cups now. Suited for babies 12 months or older, the insulated base of the cup keeps drinks cooler for longer periods of time -- say, three hours on the playground (birth control in its finest form). The cup has Nuby's trademarked No-Spill soft silicone straw (b o n u s -- spilly sippy cups rival Pack 'n Plays for my most hated baby items ever) and Touch-Flo Technology, which activates as soon as your child puts their mouth on the spout making it easier for them to drink. Like all Nuby products, the cup is BPA free, so you don't have to worry about your child sucking on any harmful compounds or chemicals. Another bonus (which is featured on most Nuby cups) is their Leak Proof Technology where you actually hear the 'click' to know the top is locked to the cup -- this is particularly important for my sweet husband. I love the man; he's insanely intelligent and incredibly street-smart, but like most guys he lacks the tiny attention to details. When Sydney was a baby, he threw on the nipple of an Avent bottle without whim or worry that he had all the pieces and tossed the bottle in my bag. Sure enough milk. spilled. everywhere in my diaper bag because he accidentally forgot the little sealing ring. I was mad (my diaper bag smelled like my breast), Sydney was mad (she didn't have any food), Jordan was mad (because his ladies were mad) fiasco. But with our Nuby cups, he never has to worry about Milkgate 2015 after he hears the click. (THANK YOU, NUBY.) I was pleasantly surprised to find Sydney's smoothie really did stay cool throughout our entire time at the playground, which was good because the girl played seriously hard and needed some breaks and refueling. I was also pleasantly surprised to find the cup really didn't leak and spill on her shirt -- although that didn't matter because what she lacked in spilled smoothie, she made up for with mud, dirt and sand.

Sydney is now almost 14 months old and is a bit of a late bloomer in terms of walking. She is standing on her own and walking a bit, but like the cautious sweet girl she is you can tell she still doesn't feel 100% comfortable. I will gladly accept this, as it allows me to snuggle with my baby a little bit more and because once she takes off, I know I'll be chasing her forever.

Hope you all had a great weekend!! Cheers to SPRING!

Colorado Baby Anderson is part of the Nuby Parent Blogger Program. While I did not receive any compensation for this post, as part of the program I have received items to sample or review. All opinions expressed are 100% honest and of my own.

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  1. I love the pic where it just looks like she is lounging against the side of the playground like 'what up boys?' Hannah was totally a late walker as well. I think this is the norm for girls. I can't imagine her walking before the age of 1? That would be!

    1. My daughter took her first steps at seven months and it's been a lot of work since then… I'm really hoping this second one is slower. lol.

    2. Haha, isn't that picture funny? It was one of my favorites as well. At first I was getting kind of worried, but she's quickly picked it up in the last couple of weeks. I can't imagine her walking before one either...she's crazy enough! ;-)

    3. @athomewithwalls -- seven months?? What a big girl!! That's impressive...and yes, a lot of work, haha! I hope your second one slows down as well for your sake. :-)

  2. Aww, she is just way too cute and strong! The first time my daughter held onto the monkey bars like that my husband and I looked at each other in awe - so proud of her strength! The first time she took apart our antique wooden hutch cabinet with her strong hands… now that was another story…

    Yay to becoming part of the Nuby team, look forward to reading your other reviews as well. And love the blog :)

    1. Thank you so much, mama! Yes, she's hung from a tree and another bar before, but she really gripped these monkey bars like it was her job -- she loves hanging! I have a feeling it won't be long until she's starting to destroy our furniture as well...eek. :-/

      Thank you so much for your support! I appreciate it greatly. xoxo

    2. And I love your blog as well! It's gorgeous!

  3. Holy cow! Could your little one be any more adorable? Her fashion sense is perfect! :) Welcome to the Nuby family - I am also a Nuby Parent Blogger! Following your blog now! <3

    1. Hi Breanna - Thank you so much!! Yeah, she's a keeper. :-) Great to meet you! I'm so excited about this opportunity and eager to meet more Parent Bloggers. Following your blog now as well! xo

  4. I am so jealous! I love Garth and have yet to see him! Great pics though. I also agree it is so nice to just clear the events and let the day ride out once in awhile. Sydney is a doll by the way—daddy better be on his toes with that cutie pie!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Charlotte! I highly recommend seeing Garth if you ever get the chance to -- he was amazing! :-)

  5. Oh my goodness. She is the cutest thing at that playground. I love the outfit and he glasses. What a cutie!

    1. Thank you so much, Karissa! You're too sweet. :-) And she's so sassy, haha. ;-)

  6. It gets so hot here in our little part of Utah that insulated cups are a must! We are huge fans of Nuby!

    1. We have so much dry heat as well! Gets SO hot--eek! The insulated cup was such a welcomed surprise, and we love it.


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