Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hello Again

Oh, hi!

As some of you have probably noticed (and by some of you, I mean our families), I took an unannounced and unplanned break from blogging. I was in the middle of consulting for a couple of different companies, it was Sydney's first holiday season, I was knee-deep in planning her first birthday party, I got it what you want; I didn't blog. And as time went on it became harder and harder to figure out how to catch up, so I just didn't, which of course seemed like a good idea at the time.

More time went by and my consulting contracts ended. The holiday season came and went, Sydney turned one, and I was suddenly left with a very sad and neglected little blog -- one I had worked so hard to keep our friends and family members updated with our life and random awkward gyno stories. Truthfully, I didn't know whether I wanted to continue blogging or not. As sad as this sounds, blogging can be a lot of work, and I just wasn't sure I was able to put forth the effort despite really liking sharing a little piece of our Colorado life. At this time I was also at a crossroads with my career; do I continue to consult? Do I move away from working and completely become a stay-at-home mom? Do I go back to a full-time job? I loved my time with Sydney. She was (and still is) learning so much every day, and I felt incredibly blessed and happy to be able to have spent my days with her -- but that would also mean becoming a one income-family, which if you know my husband, you know how much the thought freaked him out. We discussed at length what would be best for our family, what would be best for Sydney, and we ultimately decided to give me a shot at being a SAHM.

So here I was, starting to embrace my new role and wondering what to do with my blog. At the encouragement of my sweet husband and a few good friends, I decided to move forward and really try and have fun with it, but I had no clue where or how to re-start. I decided to give it a little 'facelift,' if you will (maybe update those newborn pics of Syd?), and in the midst of doing so I was contacted by Nuby and asked to join their team in the Parent Blogger program. I was blown away -- me? My little blog? At first I thought she contacted the wrong Sarah Anderson (clearly my confidence game is strong to very strong), but after confirming it was intentional I gladly and excitedly agreed. I couldn't be happier to join the Nuby family! We love their products and are stoked for this opportunity to review new and current pieces of their lines.

Thanks for hanging in there, family and old friends -- and welcome, new friends. The new and improved blog will still feature snapshots of our daily life but will also include more crafts, recipes, fashion and most likely more sarcasm and possibly more cursing as Sydney becomes her own little tornado. Stay tuned for more, including a VERY fun giveaway in the next couple of weeks!

Connect with me!

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