Tuesday, May 17, 2016

10 Things You Didn't Know About Me

Hi friends!

Another late night post---seems it's the only time I can catch my breath lately! The past weekend was kind of a wash because Sydney got pretty sick and we had to cancel everything. Freaking kids! They get sick so fast, don't they? One minute she was sneezing with a small cough and the next she was non-stop coughing, had the worst wheezing we'd seen in a while, had extremely labored breathing, there was whining, crying and . . . puke. So much puke. For whatever reason whenever Sydney's viral-induced asthma kicks into high gear, she vomits really easily and Saturday evening was no exception. I walked into our bedroom to see Sydney sitting on Jordan's lap facing him with her head hung down and pressed against Jordan's chest, just sobbing...and when I pulled her back from his chest, I could see Jordan was cupping with both hands a giant puddle of puke. (However, I've been puked on more times than I can count, so Jordan was kind of overdue for one.) Poor Syd. And poor Jordan.

Anyway, thanks to steroids, nebulizer treatments and her inhalers, Sydney is pretty much back to normal, and thanks to wine/scotch, hot showers and lots of Lysol, Jordan and I are pretty much back to normal as well. I've got a fun/interesting/awesome series coming to the blog tomorrow, but for today . . . here are 10 things you may or may not know about me. Enjoy!

1. One of my most favorite things in the world is watching Sydney sing Adele's 'Hello' and 'Let It Go' from Frozen. It will NEVER get old, and I hope she always sings with that much passion.

Girlfriend gets i n t o it.

2. I'm not a clubber, definitely not a gambler, but I'm obsessed with Vegas. O b s e s s e d. I just love it so much. I will go anytime with anyone. 

3. I'm dyslexic with the colors orange and green. When I mean to say orange, my mouth says green and vice-versa. Only happens with those two things and those two colors.

4. My most watched movie is Avatar, and I have no idea why. One day Jordan told me I loved it, which I thought he was crazy because I didn't even like it, and he pointed out how I watch it every time it's on TV . . . I totally do. Every. single. time.

5. I dream of having an all-white kitchen and a german shepherd that doesn't shed. One thing is going to happen sooner or later and the other I'm going to have to make peace with.

6. I hate sleep. Haaate it. I hate going to bed, hate sleeping in, hate napping...I hate it all. I function best on 5-6 hours of sleep a night and that's 5-6 hours too many.

7. But no matter how much I hate sleep . . . I H A T E  ET. (Yes, that disgusting, gross, wrinkly alien from that stupid movie with that stupid kid biking over that stupid moon.) I HATE him.

8. Professionally, I'm insanely Type A, but personally I'm about as Type B as they come.

9. I'm not really a fan of the Kardashians but at the same time would love to be one. Is it too much to ask to hop on a private jet to get beignets in New Orleans?

10. The first night I hung out with my husband, I told my friend that if I was looking for something serious, he would be perfect for me. #nailedit

Stay tuned for tomorrow!! 



  1. I love the! Such fun and very Random things about you! Haha. I would love to see Sydney singing her heart out! And I think we should plan a Vegas trip!! Also, you are CRAZY for hating sleep. Haha. You can come watch the boys while I sleep anytime ;)

    1. Lol, it was a random post, that's for sure---but I feel like it was a good way for people to get to know more about me, ha! Oh gosh, Sydney will sing "her Adele" for you anytime--she's OBSESSED. Yes, on the Vegas trip (obvi), and yes, I hate sleep. HATE it, lol.


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