Tuesday, May 3, 2016

{Review + Giveaway} : Nuby Designer Series Sippy Cup


I'm not sure if there's enough coffee in the world to make me feel human today---I'm SO tired. You know the feeling when you're so tired that your body has the shivers and your eyeballs are on fire?? Yeah--currently happening. Last Thursday Syd came down with a cold and cough, which obviously triggered her asthma, and we were up with her all night. Friday she stayed home from school because she was even worse and her nebulizer wasn't working too well and then started vomiting from all her coughing and evidently a weak stomach. Saturday and Sunday she continued to get better with the help of steroids---but my body just has not caught up on sleep. #whambulance

Anyway, besides Sydney being sick last weekend, life has been busy lately! It seems like we've been on the go more than ever these days, but I think that's maybe because we're always chasing a toddler around (literally) everywhere we go. Our cars have completely turned into parent-mobiles, complete with snacks, diapers, wipes, toys, sippy cups, etc., and I'm so grateful for our friends at Nuby for providing us with the best toddler dishes, utensils and cups around because we have them stored everyyyywhere.

A little over two years old (27 months to be exact), Sydney is now starting to use regular cups to drink out of---and it's every bit of a gongshow as you can expect. She's pretty good at using a cup, but I mean, she's a toddler. She still dribbles on her shirt (or bib since I can't hate stains on shirts), spills on the table, dunks her hand in the cup and plays with whatever's in it on the table...it's messy. So when we're out and about, sorry, kid, but you're getting a sippy cup still. I don't think the cashier at Crate & Barrel appreciated your water art on their checkout counter, and I'm fairly certain Dad is still cleaning leftover dried milk he's found on the leather seats of his car from MilkBomb2016.

Nuby has recently launched new sippy cups and snack keepers in their 'Designer Series' line that are absolutely adorable. They recently sent us a couple of 1st Sipeez Designer Grip N' Sip cups, and I was so excited to try them out. Appropriately aged for 6+ months, they were still absolutely perfect for my two year old because a) they don't spill; b) they're small and convenient to throw in her 'pack pack' (what she calls her backpack, which has replaced my diaper bag---yassss!); and c) they don't spill. Can I emphasize that enough? Now that Sydney is (overly) mobile and into everything, anything that is no-spill is a MAJOR win. #nomoremilkbombs

BPA-free and dishwasher-safe, the 1st Sipeez Designer Grip N' Sip has a no-spill soft flex silicone spout for easy first sips for your little ones. When drinking, the touch-flow valve opens so liquid passes through the spout only when your child sips, which means when Sydney chucks her sippy across the backseat when she's finished drinking (always a 50% chance), the leftover milk or water doesn't spill out and my seats stay soft and clean (unlike poor dad's). These sippy cups also have Nuby's amazing Clik-It technology, which is when you hear the 'click' when screwing the top on, you know the top is secure and you can safely hand over to your child.

I love the fun colors, which is another bonus since we've been working on colors so much, and I love the fun designs. The 1st Sipeez cups have recently launched in all Babies "R" Us stores across the nation, so pick up yours today! OR -- try your hand at winning a set below and/or on my Instagram over at @sa_anderson.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nuby also has 10 oz sippy cups in the Designer Series, as well as adorable matching snack keepers, which--stay tuned--I'll be doing a quick review and giveaway for those as well!

Good luck!

Meet Sarah Anderson is part of the Nuby Parent Blogger program. While I received items to sample and review, all opinions expressed are 100% honest and my own.


  1. I take my son to the park to play most often. This will come handy for us. Thanks

  2. We love going to the zoo. Thanks!

  3. We can go for walks around our neighborhood. Plus he loves to go to the park. Also the discovery center since its in doors so not spilling on there floor is always a plus.

  4. We go to play to the park every day !

  5. We love going to the park or the shops.

  6. My daughter loves the park she swings for hours this sippy would be a great edition to the supplies we bring along

  7. We love going to the parks and zoos here in chicago!

  8. The Zoo! We love going to see the animals :)

  9. We love the park especially when there are other kids to play with.

  10. We love the park especially when there are other kids to play with.

  11. We love going to the zoo.

  12. This summer we will be traveling by plane from NYC to Seattle. A sippy cup will be a definite necessity.

  13. We love going to the zoo and to parks.

  14. To grandma's house we go with the Nuby Sippy Cup. A Sippy cup that only a grandma will love. Well this grandma anyway.

  15. To grandma's house we go with the Nuby Sippy Cup. A Sippy cup that only a grandma will love. Well this grandma anyway.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. To grandma's house we will go with the Nuby Sippy Cup. A Sippy cup that only a grandma will love. Well, this will anyway.

  18. we love to go to the park!! this would be perfect


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